cat pee smells

Wondering if there is anything that can actually get rid of cat pee smell completely? You won’t find the solution on any store shelves, but believe it or not that cat pee smell can be gone from your home overnight. Cat urine is highly concentrated and bacteria love to grow in it. BIOSWEEP uses five components which when all combined formulate the most effective odor treatment on the planet. These components are sterilization, neutralization, enzymes, a surface defense, and charcoal filters. When done properly this treatment eliminates any trace of cat pee smell and leaves a long lasting barrier on surfaces.

Why is cat pee smell so hard to get rid of?

After a cat pees and you try to clean it up with soapy water, it just doesn’t seem to do the trick. Why? The answer is soapy water pushes the pee around and mixes it in grinding and smashing it into the carpet. This leaks into the carpet padding eventually ruining it. When you soak up the water with a dry rag or towel it’s always going to still be a little wet. This wetness leaves behind bacteria, odorous material, and moisture for bacteria to grow back again. If you don’t kill all the bacteria completely they will multiply and grow back in and underneath your carpet. This is part of what is causing the nasty cat urine smells. Have you ever noticed that on a hot humid day the urine smell amplifies? This is because bacteria need moisture and a warm climate to grow best. They start multiplying at lightning speed producing a cat pee smell that can burn off your nose hairs.

Cleaners do not help to clean the soiled spots on your carpet either. This is because most cleaners have salts and fatty acids. Remember how the carpet will always be a little wet after cleaning a spot, even if you try to dry it really good? That liquid dries up and leaves a residue of salt and fatty acid, which stick to dirt and suck in water. The dirt will leave areas that you clean to be the most soiled spots on your carpet. And now your carpet also sucks in moisture from the air facilitating bacteria growth in your carpet. Of course that causes the urine smell to become worse. You can imagine that if your constantly cleaning spots on your carpet, why it still looks so dirty and the cat pee smell lingers.

What kind of cleaners does Biosweep use?

Deodorizing cat pee smells is much more intensive than smoke smells for example. We have four highly effective cleaners that we use to remove cat pee smells. Hydrogen peroxide vapor and ozone gas are the two cleaners used in the BIOSWEEP base treatment. They sterilize your home and neutralize odor molecules. The great thing about them is that they are delivered through the air. This results in a complete sterilization and deodorization of every nook and cranny of your home. The third optional treatment we use is the BIOSWEEP surface defense. It is applied with an electrostatic sprayer and initially disinfects and then leaves behind a barrier when it dries. The last cleaner is an enzyme cleaner which uses specialized bacteria that produce catalysts for the breakdown of odor causing molecules.

How do you remove cat pee smells completely?

 We will arrive at your home and assess each room individually. We are looking for odors and odor sources. Problem odor sources may need to be cleaned with an extra heavy duty cleaner. Carpet paddings may or may not need to be thrown away, depending on how saturated they are with urine. Other than that, there isn’t anything that we can’t remove the odor from with 100% guarantee. We do this with our next generation ozone machines which we setup specifically according to each rooms exact measurements. We also make sure the humidity is at the correct range so that hydrogen peroxide vapor gets created in the air. The hydrogen peroxide sterilizes everything, while the ozone will react with the odor causing molecules to neutralize them. We have some additional treatment options too. One option is to use the BIOSWEEP surface defense to both disinfect an area and then create a barrier on the surface. This barrier destroys microbes for 12 months after it is applied. An enzyme cleaner can also be sprayed which aids in the breakdown of urine. It will kill bacteria, mold, and viruses by impaling them. After all the treatments we also run a charcoal filter which absorbs particles neutralized by the ozone. No matter what anytime you are cleaning up cat urine and deodorizing it is always best to be super thorough.

How does the BIOSWEEP surface defense barrier impale microbes?

A special electrostatic sprayer is used to apply the surface defense which electrically charges it. It can be applied to any surface that you want to be sterilized permanently. After the surface defense dries it leaves a spike filled surface at the molecular level. These spears impale microbes that land on the surface. This will protect any surface for 12 months at which time it is recommended to renew the surface defense treatment. 

Have any questions about treatment options?

If you have any questions about getting rid of urine smells in your home give us a call or shoot us an email by hitting the button below.